
The cost of the program varies between places and in accordance with the partnerships and municipal and authority supports and in relation to geographic or social periphery. Anyone can register for QueenB and we can easily assist with subsidies if needed who asks.

Yes. If necessary, we can help with registration subsidies, so that every girl can become a programmer. If you are interested in registering but need assistance, please contact us at queenb.program@gmail.com and we will do everything we can to help. Anyone can take part in the program

You can unsubscribe at any stage. The cancellation policy is in accordance with the association’s statutes. You can receive a full refund after the third period and then 50% until February 1st of the year of activity. More details on refunds can be found in our regulations.

You can contact us by email
And also on Facebook and Instagram.

No! Our annual payment includes the cost of all the events that will take place throughout the year, including the end of the year event.

Our Program

The activity in the centers throughout the country will begin when the academic school year in the universities begin, the week of 10/15/23. After registration, the coordinator of the activity center will contact you and send you more details about the first meeting.

You do not need a background and there is no need for an admission tests! We believe that anyone can program, so no prior knowledge in math, English or computers is necessary to take part in the program. You need motivation and a desire to take part and learn during the meetings, we will do the rest 🙂

In our program, the girls learn HTML and JAVA SCRIPT from the basics, using the PBL method – project-based learning, where in each session the girls program a new project and through it learn new programming material. Each meeting is framed by an opening and closing conversation, and there is also time for games and fun. The trainees learn new material almost every session and have time for individual and group practice.

Our juniors program is designed for 8th graders. Our seniors program, intended for graduates of the beginner program, is intended for 9th graders. The program is multi-year, and advanced program graduates integrate into computer science electives and continuation programs, and receive support through our learning groups. We begin in the 8th grade to give our trainees two full years before registering for the computer science elective so that they arrive prepared and full of confidence to the elective.

Yes. During the program the girls study the first 2 units of the computer science elective finals. In addition, the girls receive tools to deal with new fields, for self-learning, to deal with challenges and more . And of course we continue to accompany them.

Our activity year starts in October and ends towards the end of June. During the months of October-January, the participants learn the basics of programming. In February, as part of the “Girls in Science Month”, the participants go on tours and workshops in academia and industry, and meet inspiring researchers and programmers. In March, the apprentices learn more complex areas of programming, and in May the hackathon process begins, our final event, while in June the participants present a WEB application they programmed themselves to experts from the industry and academia, at the organiztion’s final event – the product fair.

We believe that programming is for everyone. You don’t have to be good at math or English to know how to program, anyone with motivation can learn. That’s why we don’t have admission tests.
Programming as a central tool for social and economic leadership – Programming is a basic and necessary language in the current and future world of employment, and especially in high-tech professions. Therefore, it is important that every girl explore her desire and ability in programming and think about her career already in high school.
We believe that one of the barriers that girls and women face and prevents them from succeeding, is the desire to be perfect. The value that guides us in our activities with the girls is “brave and imperfect” and we encourage our trainees to be brave, try new things, explore and dare.
We believe in programming as an educational tool. Programming is our way of implementing the values we believe in. Through learning to code, and while working, the participants learn to develop self-sufficiency and face new challenges.
We strive to create a pleasant and safe place – a supportive community of girls and women – in the apprenticeships they will feel comfortable asking questions, making mistakes and being themselves.

No. Our program is for girls only. There are other mixed programs for boys and girls (which in most cases contain a majority of boys).

There are several other options to take the computer science finals, including a regional elective and the option to take the final with independent guidance. During the 9th grade, the program’s participants are accompanied by a team of instructors who explain the various options to them, and the parents will receive accessible and clear information from the organization regarding the existing variety.

Administrative questions

We have dozens of groups across the country, as you can see here.

Can’t find yourself on the map? Do you want us to come to you too? Write to us.

You can contact us at queenb.program@gmail.com and also on Facebook and Instagram.

Anyone can
learn to program!